Tag Archives: PWI

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WordPress Hack Attempts

WordPress Hack Attempts
      Running a website, both this one and others I am involved with, grants a different view on the ‘hacking’ that is often reported in the news. For one thing, attacks are more or less constant. An unfortunate part of having an internet accessible computer, someone is bound to poke at it. So I do what I can to defend against those attacks. Continue reading WordPress Hack Attempts

How to use uBlock Origin

      When I use a computer belonging to someone else, I am often amazed by the amount of junk that websites toss at their users. Ads, pop-ups, singing and dancing, junk everywhere. If you ignored the distraction, all that stuff is still a bad idea. It slows down the system, running code that has no value to the owner of the system (which is arguable a violation of anti-hacking laws). Continue reading How to use uBlock Origin