Tag Archives: (In)Security

CFE: The End of Location Tracking?

Commentary From Elsewhere: The End of Location Tracking?

      As you may know, much of what you do with computers is tracked. And as a smartphone is a computer, this applies there too. In particular, as the phone is a mobile device, talking to relatively stationary devices, it knows where it is. At least in a general sense.

      Why am I mentioning this? Because some of those tracking your location through your phone have announced they won’t be. Now I think this is a good thing, the less data kept on our daily actions the less data that can inevitably leak or otherwise be used against us. But the ‘why’ for this change in approaches is interesting. Continue reading CFE: The End of Location Tracking?

SAAB: Ignored Scams

Support As A Business: Ignored Scams

      Generally speaking, when people have work for me it is to accomplish a partial task. Build this website, recover this data, teach this skill, etc. Often enough, in the process of doing what I’ve been asked, other things come to my attention. At which point I’ll bring them to the attention of the client, offer my opinion, and let them decide on a course of action. Continue reading SAAB: Ignored Scams

How to use uBlock Origin

      When I use a computer belonging to someone else, I am often amazed by the amount of junk that websites toss at their users. Ads, pop-ups, singing and dancing, junk everywhere. If you ignored the distraction, all that stuff is still a bad idea. It slows down the system, running code that has no value to the owner of the system (which is arguable a violation of anti-hacking laws). Continue reading How to use uBlock Origin

AIC: Locked myself out of my Computer

Adventures In Computing: Locked myself out of my Computer

      A few years back I was having difficulties with remotely accessing my computer. The details of which are a different story altogether. What is relevant here, is that I was attempting to copy files from one computer to another over the network. In the process of trying to get this done, I removed my ability to log on to one computer. Continue reading AIC: Locked myself out of my Computer