Tag Archives: Wordpress

WordPress Hack Attempts

WordPress Hack Attempts
      Running a website, both this one and others I am involved with, grants a different view on the ‘hacking’ that is often reported in the news. For one thing, attacks are more or less constant. An unfortunate part of having an internet accessible computer, someone is bound to poke at it. So I do what I can to defend against those attacks. Continue reading WordPress Hack Attempts

AIC: Website Fix with NoScript

Adventures In Computing: Using NoScript to repair website

      One of the things I help people with is their websites. The exact details of that vary, but in this case I was being asked to help repair a website that had been compromised. It was a WordPress site, and the ‘hack’ had installed a bad plugin. In turn, that plugin hid itself, and much of the admin interface. Couldn’t see it, so couldn’t uninstall it. Continue reading AIC: Website Fix with NoScript

Observant Spammers

      Since you are reading this, you have clearly noticed that I have a blog. Technically, I have more then one. The one of note here is Observations from Audience Land.

      OFAL hasn’t been around that long, but it has already had some interesting visitors. Shortly after I made it, but before telling anyone about it’s existence, it started receiving spam comments. Not many, but I find it ironic that a blog that is unknown to any real people still manages to receive comments.

      It didn’t really matter, as comments are setup to await moderator approval before being visible. Just the absurdity of it. Spam comments on a site that has not been ‘announced’ in any manner. Just goes to show, those who abuse the Internet are always looking looking for place to attack.