Tag Archives: STO

Security Through Obscurity

CFE: The End of Location Tracking?

Commentary From Elsewhere: The End of Location Tracking?

      As you may know, much of what you do with computers is tracked. And as a smartphone is a computer, this applies there too. In particular, as the phone is a mobile device, talking to relatively stationary devices, it knows where it is. At least in a general sense.

      Why am I mentioning this? Because some of those tracking your location through your phone have announced they won’t be. Now I think this is a good thing, the less data kept on our daily actions the less data that can inevitably leak or otherwise be used against us. But the ‘why’ for this change in approaches is interesting. Continue reading CFE: The End of Location Tracking?

WordPress Hack Attempts

WordPress Hack Attempts
      Running a website, both this one and others I am involved with, grants a different view on the ‘hacking’ that is often reported in the news. For one thing, attacks are more or less constant. An unfortunate part of having an internet accessible computer, someone is bound to poke at it. So I do what I can to defend against those attacks. Continue reading WordPress Hack Attempts