Tag Archives: Doom and Gloom

State Forgery

      Recently I renewed my New York State Driver License. Happens from time to time, no big deal. But I noticed an interesting thing when I received it in the mail: I had already signed the card.

      Or, to put it more accurately, the state had signed my name for me. Using my hand writing. Not as a photo copy, but an actual physical addition to the card. Continue reading State Forgery

Prediction: Forced updates for Windows 7/8


      Within a year from now (2017-09), Windows 7 and 8 will have lost the ability to turn off updates.

      Sometime before Windows 7 End of Support (2020-01-20), ‘updates’ to Windows 7 and 8 will have made those systems noticeable less ‘useful’ then they are today (2016-09-26). Continue reading Prediction: Forced updates for Windows 7/8