Category Archives: Guide

Recovering Dead Drives

Recovering Dead Drives

      Computer drives being what they are, it is inevitable that yours will fail. The question is what you do when that happens. Much of the answer to that depends on how much of a ‘crisis’ that failure is. A good backup strategy mitigates the issue, but even then you might have data you want recovered. Absent paying expensive professionals there are steps that can be taken. Continue reading Recovering Dead Drives

How to use uBlock Origin

      When I use a computer belonging to someone else, I am often amazed by the amount of junk that websites toss at their users. Ads, pop-ups, singing and dancing, junk everywhere. If you ignored the distraction, all that stuff is still a bad idea. It slows down the system, running code that has no value to the owner of the system (which is arguable a violation of anti-hacking laws). Continue reading How to use uBlock Origin

How to setup a Virtual Box

      Why you would want a Virtual Machine
A virtual machine allows you to run an operating system inside of another operating system. While not of immediate value to the average user, it is useful in a number of situations.

      I primarily use it to test out programs and visit questionable websites. For programs, I can run them and see if they do anything useful. All without having them impact my ‘real’ operating system. For websites, same idea. Copy in links from email, or other mysterious sources. Adds a whole system worth of protective layers to what you’re doing. And when you’re done, just discard the changes and you are ready for next time. Continue reading How to setup a Virtual Box