Tag Archives: Exciting is Dangerous

CFE: AI is not a problem

Commentary From Elsewhere: AI is not a problem

      Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard some of the worries around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Seems like I read another article every few days. And a surprising number of people are talking about it, in the ‘real world’. People that I normally wouldn’t expect to even consider the topic. Even had a few ask me if I was worried about it (hence this post).

      AI is not a topic for concern. Continue reading CFE: AI is not a problem

AIC: Locked myself out of my Computer

Adventures In Computing: Locked myself out of my Computer

      A few years back I was having difficulties with remotely accessing my computer. The details of which are a different story altogether. What is relevant here, is that I was attempting to copy files from one computer to another over the network. In the process of trying to get this done, I removed my ability to log on to one computer. Continue reading AIC: Locked myself out of my Computer

NAR: Passengers

Not a Review: Passengers
      Recently I watched the movie Passengers. Good enough movie, but that’s not what I want to talk about here. I want to talk about some of the technology (and uses of same) in the movie.

      Fair warning: Spoilers may occur. While I will make some effort to not overly spoil anything, some will crop up. If you are the type that dislikes any spoilers, stop reading now. For that matter, stop watching movie trailers. Continue reading NAR: Passengers