
            Standard Disclaimer

You are responsible for your own actions:
      You’re an adult*. Accordingly, you are responsible for what you do. Sure, you’ll make mistakes, we all do. But don’t blame others for your mistakes, learn from them to become an even greater you. Accordingly, don’t let others (including me) convince you into doing something that you know is wrong.
*If you are not an adult, go tell the one that is responsible for you that you have gotten onto the internet.*

Consult local laws:
      Ideally, the law is straightforward and makes sense. As that is not always true, check what the local authority figures have decreed when planning your actions. Perhaps you’ll agree and choose to follow the law, and in doing so encourage others to do the same. Perhaps you’ll disagree and choose to break the law. In either case, at least you’ll be informed when making that decision.

Mileage may vary:
      Just because something worked for me (in the exact details of my life), does not mean it will work for you (with the exact details of yours). If you think it will, give it a try. If you think it’s too risky, don’t. Maybe it will work (perhaps with some adjusting), maybe not. Maybe you’ll find your own even better method, maybe not.

      I could go on, but that should be enough. Let’s all do our best to focus on the important things in life, whatever those may be.

Danny's Ramblings About Technology