Guide to DVD Ripping (and shrinking)

      Initial Setup

      These initial setup steps need only be done once. They take a standard windows system and get it ready to turn a dvd into a standalone video file (which you can then move to your phone/tablet/whatnot). There are (of course) other ways to achieve this result, this is merely one method that I think works well.
Install MakeMKV
Run MakeMKV
Optional: configure MakeMKV (you may want to set a preferred language, disable check for updates, and/or data directory, but those options will work as is)
Install HandBrake
Optional: configure HandBrake (you may want to change data directory, but again, it will work as is)
      Time taken: ~10 minutes, but variable based on time spent adjusting options


      This step takes a dvd and copies all the data from it and places it on your computer. Will create some rather large files (usually in the 4+ gig ballpark).

Start MakeMKV
Insert DVD to rip
Press big dvd icon (middle of program)
wait a minute…
Optional: Adjust selection (you may want to add/remove ‘extras’, such as subtitles and different languages audio, if they are available. not needed, it will work as is, but be larger for each part checked.)
Press Make MKV icon (upper right area)
wait… (~30 minutes)
Remove DVD
      Time taken: ~35 minutes per disc, but variable based on length/quality of movie

      At this point you have a watchable movie (plus extras). Default location is C:\Video\disc name. Watch enough to know you’ve got what you want, delete unneeded parts (trailers, etc), and continue on.


      This step takes a large file and repackages it to (ideally) produce a smaller file, while also (ideally) not degrading quality (much). The trick is finding the right balance between file size and movie quality. I find that the ‘ipad’ settings work well for more recent high quality movies, while the ‘android’ settings work well for older or lower quality movies. Below I will be assuming you are going to use the ‘ipad’ settings. You are welcome (and encouraged) to experiment, and find out what settings work best for you.

Start Handbrake
Drag video file into HandBrake (from wherever MakeMKV left them, or you have moved them too)
Click ‘iPad’ from the presets on the right (or whatever preset you want)
Optional: ‘Add to Queue’ if your going to do a group, ‘Show Queue’ to see what’s waiting
Start to start (green button near top left corner)
wait… (probably 1-3 hours per full length movie)
      Time taken: ~2 hours per movie, but highly variable based on computer cpu

      With all that done, you now have a watchable movie that should be much smaller in file size, while still preserving quality. Different options in HandBrake will change quality, and by extension file size. I generally use the presets, but feel free to experiment. You can always delete the output and try again if you’re not happy with it.

Insert standard disclaimer about being responsible for your own actions, consult local laws, mileage may vary, etc.