SAAB: Writing

Support As A Business: Writing

      While I have a variety of hobbies and other time sinks, professionally I work with computers. In a variety of ways, which is irrelevant here. What is relevant is how much writing I have to do.

      Completely ignoring ‘coding’ which doesn’t qualify as writing for this situation. Whether it counts as writing at all is another topic altogether.

      There’s emails to current clients, with updates on how the project is going. Proposals to potential clients, about what could be done for them. Inquiring of developers as to if their product could be of use in a particular situation. Tutorials for clients in how to do something. And the list just goes on.

      I’m not saying any of this is bad, successful communication is almost by definition a good thing. There’s just more writing, in what is at it’s core a technical profession, then I expected. Reminds me how English class was my least favorite in school.

      As with all things, we adapt and overcome. And, where appropriate, laugh at the curve-balls life throws.

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