
Moment of Pride:  

      No that’s not a typo, that is in fact   It stands for Non-Breaking SPace, plus code characters to tell the browser to use it.

      I’ve been using these for years to force indentation on websites (such as this one). Is not exactly the ideal usage, and I’ve read some commentary that claim indents are an improper use of this feature. Which I can understand, it always felt like a kludge. I just couldn’t find any other way to get the effect I wanted. Which is besides the point.

      Recently I was making some changes to one of the websites I maintain. I was adding new pictures, and moving text around. Nothing fancy, but it was having some odd effects. On partially small smartphones the display was less then idea.

      Due to the way things fit, the first few words in the paragraph got broken up by the images. Worked fine on most screen sizes, either all the words stayed together or the breaks were in reasonable places. But on the really small screens it didn’t have the space.

      Thought on it for a bit and replaced the ‘normal’ spaces between the first few words with   As it can’t ‘break’ the words up now, it displays them as it should. Without impacting how it displayed on larger screens.

      Unlike the other times I’ve used   this time feels like the proper use for it. Hence a small Moment of Pride, for properly using knowledge previously misapplied.

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