TIFU: Windows Update Blocker

Tools I Find Useful: Windows Update Blocker

      A while back I pointed out how to prevent Windows 10 from updating itself. While that method does work, I’ve found a simpler one: Windows Update Blocker.

      To use this, unzip and run. Select ‘Disable Updates’ and ‘Apply Now’. Quick, simple, togglable, and as far as I can tell, no negative side effects (unlike the previous method).

      Claims to support Windows 11 too, but I don’t have a system to test that on, so I cannot confirm. As Microsoft continues to push for Windows 11, perhaps this tool will become useful for blocking that update too.

You should still update
      To be clear, I am not against updating Windows. You should update your computer frequently enough. I am against being forced to update on Microsoft’s schedule. I’ll update at a time that is convenient to me. Not as frequently as Microsoft would like, but it will still happen.

      And I know people who can no longer update. For whatever reason, one of the pending updates breaks their system. Windows does recover, that process works as it should. But the updates don’t get applied. So every few days Windows tries to update itself again. Breaks, recovers, waits a while, repeats. Better to turn off the process for a while. Try it again in a few months and see if it corrects.

      And that is that. Simple straightforward tool that is potentially useful for anyone that has been inconvenienced by an update.

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