PCT: Weekly Alarms

Pointless Computer Tricks: Weekly Alarms

      This is one of those things that I really should have noticed long before I did. But I managed without it for so long, I never thought about checking the options again. I can set weekly alarms on my phone.

      That’s it, right there.

      After having a smartphone for a number of years, and using it’s alarm clock regularly, I realized there was a repeat check under the options. And what a change that led to.

      Before, I would usually set the next days alarms before heading to bed. As many things went in patterns, this was mostly toggling alarms on. Sometimes add new times, sometimes remove old ones. But mostly, just toggling.

      But now…

      About 75% of my alarms don’t change week to week. Baring special occasions (like holidays), a particular days alarms are mostly the same every week. Occasionally I’ll set something a few days out, or later that day. But mostly?

      Now it’s swiping right to turn the alarm off when it rings. Then it quietly resets itself for next week.

      A minor time saver, but not that important. Hence a Pointless Computer Trick.

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