Tools I Find Useful: Remove Empty Directories

      Ever find an empty folder and wonder why it’s there? Realized you made a folder, but never got around to using it? Between backup tools, duplicate finders, and a habit of deleting files (not folders), I run into this sort of thing on a regular enough basis. No idea how common it is for everyone else, although I suspect it’s moderately rare.

      In any case, I use a quick/simple tool to manage this: Remove Empty Directories

What it does

      Pretty much does what is says, point it at a folder and it scans it for empty directories. Then gives you a list of them and you can pick which to delete.

      By default it assumes you want to delete them all, but you can easily tell it to keep a particular folder, either just once or permanently. It’s also easy enough to change that permanent list too. Defaults settings include ignoring Windows system folders, which offers a small safety net. Although if you’ve pointed it at the Windows folder (or C:) you’ve got larger issues to worry about.

How I use it

      While not critically useful, it can be helpful from time to time. Automates/streamlines file organization/maintenance. I usually end up using it every few weeks, for one situation or another.

      More for cleanup then of direct use itself, but still can be a useful tool at times. Something I could live without, if need be, but it has it’s moments.

      Maybe you’ll find it useful, maybe not.

      In case you missed any of the links above: Remove Empty Directories can be found at jonasjohn.de/red.htm

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