AIC: Brothers Address

Adventures In Computing: Brother’s Address

      For reasons, I found myself needing to know my brothers addresses. I knew where, in a physical sense, both of them lived, but not what to put on an actual letter to send through the postal system. While I could, and eventually did, ask them directly, I actually didn’t need to. I just wandered the street, virtually.

      I used Google Maps to put me in the general area, and then switched to street view. Then it’s just going up and down streets until I recognized the buildings. At which point, I could read the address right off the wall.

      When I did hear back from them, the addresses were what I had found (although I had one of the apartment numbers wrong).

      Not an overly exciting story, but it goes to show how much things have changed. Wasn’t that long ago that such a challenge would have been difficult. Now you can find more or less anywhere you’ve been. Not to mention see places you’ve never been.

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