Single Point of Failure: For The Lose

      Much like in the ‘real’ world, so to on the internet: Any given point will eventually fail. Thus, either be ready for it’s failure, or have alternates in place to compensate.

      A recent Firefox kerfuffle reminded me of this. Something went wrong on their side, breaking all addons (more or less). Alternate browsers would work fine (or very outdated Firefox), but regular Firefox lost it’s addons. And in my opinion, browsing without addons is like sex without ‘protection’: Everything might go fine, but you really shouldn’t do it. As much as I look forward to finding out the underlying cause here, this is but one of many examples.

      Running all revenue through one company, who then stole $1.7 million.
      Windows update, need I say more.
      YouTube (among others) ‘shadow banning’ to in effect cancel users.
      Letting cars decide where you go.
      Over reliance on credit cards.
      Hard drive dying without a backup.

      All of these create situations where when (not if, it always ends up being when) something goes wrong, it all falls apart. Thus a single point can bring down a whole system.

      It gets worse when multiple systems with single points are strung together. Been in an office where the internet is down so they can’t work? Or power? Or coffee maker? Stacking failure states just increases the likelihood of problems.

      So what’s the alternative? First identify potential weak points, then figure ways around them. Power goes out, have a generator. Credit card won’t work, have cash. The alternative won’t be as ‘good’ as the primary option, otherwise it would be the primary. But by having one, you have more flexibility for when things go wrong.

      And for those single points you can put alternatives in place? If you are at least aware of them, you’ll be in a better place to deal with their eventual failure.

      Because it’s the failure of something you weren’t aware you relied upon that is the worst. Comes in out of nowhere and now you have to figure out what to do, all while nothing is working right. Much better to live like a boy scout and Be Prepared.

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