CFE: 7 Ways to Minimize Misery

Commentary From Elsewhere: 7 Ways to Minimize Misery

      The internet is a giant self referencing comment engine. Accordingly, here I shall tell you my thoughts on a YouTube video I watched recently.

      7 Ways to Maximize Misery by CGP Grey. Which in turn, is his thoughts on the book How to be Miserable by Randy Paterson. As Randy is a PhD, the book itself is likely based on something else.

      CGP told us how to Maximize Misery, by focusing on 7 methods. Unfortunately, our modern technology encourages the habits he brought to our attention. In many ways, we have allowed our electronics to reorganize our lives in ways that make us miserable.

      Logically, if we do the opposite of the suggested methods, we would Minimize Misery. Towards that end, below I have made that reversal and offer you 7 Ways to Minimize Misery.

1      Move
Right now: get up, turn around, sit back down. Done? Now on to the best exercise ever: The one you actually do. Look at your life and find an exercise that you like and/or fits in with how you live. For me, that’s an exercise bike, short jogs around the block, and long walks. If none of those appeal, that’s fine. Find something that does. And if you need to change what that is as time goes by? All the better, as life is change.

2      Go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time
What time it ends up being is up to you, but the consistency itself has value. If nothing else, the predictability should negate the need for an alarm clock. At some point your body will know it’s time and wake you up. I try to get to bed around 11 and up around 7. Having said that, every once in a while I get off and it’s painful to get back on track. But it’s worth it.

3      Minimize your screen time
Realize computers, in their various forms, are tools for your benefit. When they are of benefit to you, use them. When not, set them aside. For me, this is probably the hardest one here. I ‘screen time’ for a living. Having said that, breaks are good. If only because they give you a chance to move (see 1).

4      Your feelings follow your focus
The world is broken, this should be immediately obvious to anyone. You can focus on that, and never be at a lack for more evidence. Or you can accept it and move on. In the end, ‘fixing’ the world is beyond the ability of us foolish mortals. What we can do is focus on the positive, and try to be of benefit to the corner of the world we live in.

5      Set SMART goals
There is an entire industry out there to help you make SMART goals. The important part is to have a clear success/failure state. In many ways, it doesn’t matter which happens. Success means progress towards the larger goal, failure means an opportunity to learn from mistakes. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

6      Find (and then follow) your purpose in life
Ironically, if you ignore your happiness, and focus on your purpose, you will be more happy. Which leaves finding the reason you were created. And once you think you have that, use it as inspiration for the goals you generate. Most importantly here, you may be wrong as to your purpose, or it may change over time. Should that happen, adjust accordingly. “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

7      Die to self
At this point, if you are doing all of the above, you might be able to actually follow your instincts. Or not, as we are a fallen people. The desire to slip back into misery generating habits will always be there. We can but struggle on, stumbling where we will. In any case, hopefully by this point you are reasonably unmiserable. Also Known As: Happy. “The race is long and, in the end, it’s only with yourself.”

      What started as a rambling about how our technology is helping us kill ourselves, became something else. Life is strange, at times.

Time stamps from CGP’s video
00:23    1: Stay Still
00:58    2: Screw With our Sleep
01:52    3: Maximize Your Screen Time
02:34    4: Use Your Screen To Stoke Your Negative Emotions
03:37    5: Set VAPID Goals
04:47    6: Pursue Happiness Directly
05:24    7: Follow Your Instincts

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